Bücher Herunterladen Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

By Januari 22, 2019

Bücher Herunterladen Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

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Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

Bücher Herunterladen Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig

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Notes on a Nervous Planet, by Matt Haig


Witty, honest and engaging . . . A worthy successor to Reasons to Stay Alive * * Sunday Times * * An honest and human guide to coping with the modern world . . . Notes on a Nervous Planet is generous, sensible and timely. Reading it will probably be good for your mental health. Especially if you leave your smartphone in another room . . . Thought-provoking * * Guardian * * Thought-provoking . . . [Haig's] hard-won wisdom asks us to think about how we can live in the present - and in so doing, he creates a wonderfully perceptive chronicle of life in the always-on social media age. A real-world guide to mindfulness * * Observer * * Beautiful, honest and wise -- FEARNE COTTON Notes on a Nervous Planet is a fascinating look at the link between anxiety and the world we live in . . . [Haig is] one of our warmest, wittiest and wisest writers * * Mail on Sunday * * Genius -- RUBY WAX Haig's bestseller Reasons to Stay Alive was an engaging self-help memoir which mined personal trauma for valuable life lessons. This follow-up is a rag-bag of personal experience, thoughts and feelings . . . some thought-provoking, some pertinent and important . . . He's a smart operator who knows his readership and genuinely wants to help them . . . I reached the last page admiring the author's inventive energy and insight -- Bel Mooney * * Daily Mail * * Take Notes on a Nervous Planet twice daily, with or without food. The book is crammed with wisdom, insight, love and wit -- STEPHEN FRY A primer for how to live in the present moment. This book will find grateful readers everywhere -- NIGELLA LAWSON Matt Haig has written really something rather special here - the definitive user manual for your own head. It's a self-help book that - unusually for the genre - talks in sensible, practical terms not in vague aphorisms and allegories. Recommended for anyone who's ever wobbled, and that's all of us -- ADAM KAY


The follow-up to the number one Sunday Times bestseller Reasons to Stay Alive. The world is messing with our minds.Rates of stress and anxiety are rising. A fast, nervous planet is creating fast and nervous lives. We are more connected, yet feel more alone. And we are encouraged to worry about everything from world politics to our body mass index.- How can we stay sane on a planet that makes us mad?- How do we stay human in a technological world?- How do we feel happy when we are encouraged to be anxious?After experiencing years of anxiety and panic attacks, these questions became urgent matters of life and death for Matt Haig. And he began to look for the link between what he felt and the world around him.Notes on a Nervous Planet is a personal and vital look at how to feel happy, human and whole in the 21st century.

Alle Produktbeschreibungen


Gebundene Ausgabe: 310 Seiten

Verlag: Canongate Books Ltd.; Auflage: Main (5. Juli 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9781786892676

ISBN-13: 978-1786892676

ASIN: 1786892677

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13,8 x 3 x 18,4 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.2 von 5 Sternen

12 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.124 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Read it. Just do it. Whatever you think about social media, internet, cellphones or society, yourself included in all this crazyness ~ read this book. Get in touch with Matt Haigs style. His way toput Thoughts intowords. Very good research, combined with personal experience. Page after page, Chapter to chapter you'll come to conclusions. Some you already might have suggested. Or might have wondered, why on earth you sometimes feel how you feel. Like maybe too much of others peoples stuff, emotions. Or too less, compared to others? Or felt whatever, wasn't not yours, ten minutes ago. Before browsing the handy. AND on top: learn how to deal with it. This is not another of those self-help-books. It's a lovely piece of wirters art, to put to paper, whats going on. And by the way, its very amusing. Some very funny chapters. Written with the typical eye-twinkle of a self critical one. Added my todays favorite chapter ...

Hi, i am a big fan of the author and a German reader - read the book in English. It is a very easy read, it took me two hours to read it. Unfortunately, the book cannot reach the touching and very personal book Matt Haig wrote before: Reasons to stay alive. I knew everything he is saying in his new book and it had already been said by SO MANY authors before him. It seemed to be that he wrote the book because his agents told him so. Hey, you can do MUCH, MUCH BETTER!!

Für mich war das Buch leider nicht das richtige. Ich habe mir eher eine Reflexion und Guidelines für das alltägliche Leben erwartet, um so besser mit der Hektik und dem Druck des Alltags umgehen zu können. Dieses Buch wäre aber sicher hilfreich für Menschen, die in vielen Situationen schnell überfordert sind und deren Gedanken sich oft selbst überschlagen.

Matt Haig schreibt mir aus der Seele. ich habe das Buch gelesen nachdem ich Reasons to stay Alive verschlungen hatte. Die beiden Bücher liegen auf meinem Nachttisch und sind immer griffbereit. Auch für unterwegs habe ich sie als Ebook immer dabei.Wer mit Angstzuständen und Depressionen lebt, der wird in diesem Buch einen ruhigen und stabilen Freund finden. Die Kapitel sind logisch aufgebaut und lesen sich an einigen Stellen fast wie ein Gedankenfluss des Autoren.Anmerkung: Ich habe das Buch auf Englisch gekauft, da ich lieber im Original lese als in Übersetzungen. Meine Kommentare sind daher auf die Englische Version des Buches bezogen.

I have loved Matt Haig since I stumbled over "Reasons to stay alive" in a little bookshop in Kensington last year. I couldn't put the book down and was more than excited hearing about "Notes on a Nervous Planet". And the book met all my hopes and more.Matt Haig writes hard and clear about what hurts (I know that's a Hemmingway quote), but he does it in a soft way. I felt so understood in chapters like "24/7 chatastrophe" and "Lonely crowds" and many more. I am giving this book to everyone I love, in order for them to understand me, themselves and our planet a bit better.So to everyone reading this: don't think twice, buy it ;)And to Matt Haig: Thank you. Keep it up man, and stay soft.

A wonderful book. At the beginning i was a bit sceptical about it. After the first 100 sites, i thought.. mhh maybe it will get better.So my endresult is, its very nice and one of my favorites! Matt Haig knows how to write things, except short enumerations in the first few sites :PI can say, try it! It is worth it.

Habe das Buch auch wenn mein Englisch nicht super ist sehr schnell runter lesen können.Es gibt ein guten Blick auf die heutige social media Zeit.Da es teilweise jedoch gestreckt wirkt, ohne neuen Inhalt, gibt es einen Punkteabzug.

Amazing!I read this a few months ago, when my panic disorder was really really bad. It gave me something to look forward to while also dealing with my depression.I would recommend this to anyone who has anxiety, depression or is just feeling overwhelmed on a regular basis.

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